Professor Nigel W. John FEG FLSW
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Using VR to help Stroke Patients (2018 - present)

This project is using the latest generation of VR headsets to create a cognitive rehabilitation programme to help stroke patientss. We are developing a VR platform so that patients can practice tasks of everyday living such as making toast, boiling a kettle, etc. Our aim is to reduce the duration and cost of long-term care by enabling intensive rehabilitation both in-hospital and in the home using affordable technology. The VR stroke programmes will adapt to each users needs and can be operated with minimal supervision, reducing the support burden on the family and carers. Patients will be able to measure how well their cognitive abilities are improving, building confidence in their ability to perform every-day tasks and reducing the psychological trauma often associated with the condition. The overall goal of the project is to improve the quality of life of stroke survivors by returning them to active participation in society faster.
The project is in collaboration with the Countess of Chester Hospital and CadScan Ltd.