Professor Nigel W. John FEG FLSW
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Winston Churchill Memorial Trust (2013-2014)

On 28th May 2014, after successfully completing my Winston Churchill Travelling Fellowship, I was presented with a Churchill medallion at a prestigious biennial award ceremony in London. The Guest of Honour was Dame Mary Peters DBE, Olympic gold medal winning pentathlete and a 1972 Churchill Fellow herself. Dame Mary presented 113 Fellows with their medallions at a ceremony in Church House, in Central London. Church House has significant Churchillian associations as during the Blitz, Winston Churchill requisitioned Church House as a makeshift Houses of Parliament after the originals had been damaged by bombing. It was also from Church House that he made his famous speech announcing the sinking of the Bismarck on 24th May 1941.
As part of my Fellowship, I travelled to Singapore and Australia to investigate a computer simulated virtual patient for training clinicians with a view to establishing new research collaborations in this field. You can read more about the trip here.