Professor Nigel W. John FEG FLSW
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Tactile Feeedback using Focussed Airbourne Ultrasound (2010-2013)

UltraSendo is a new tactile system designed to utilise focussed airborne ultrasound to mimic a pulsation effect such as that of a human arterial pulse or thrill (Hung, John, Hancock, & Hoshi, 2014).
This project was undertaken by my PhD student Gary Hung.
Hung, G.M. (2013). Investigating the Feasibility of Using Focussed Airborne Ultrasound as Tactile Feedback in Medical Simulators. PhD Thesis, Bangor University.
We used focussed airbourne ultrasound to create a novel haptics component, which can later be integrated into a variety of medical procedure training simulators.
Gary is currently living in Hong Kong.
Further Reading
- Hung, G. M. Y., John, N. W., Hancock, C., & Hoshi, T. (2014). Using and Validating Airborne Ultrasound as a Tactile Interface within Medical Training Simulators. In Biomedical Simulation (pp. 30–39). Springer International Publishing.