Professor Nigel W. John FEG FLSW
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Image Guided Interventional Needle Simulation (2006-09)

The Image Guided Interventional Needle Simulation (ImaGINe-S) project was funded by the UK Department of Health. It was a project with the Collaborators in Radiological Interventional Virtual Environments (CRaIVE) consortium led by Derek Gould, a consultant interventional radiologist at the Royal Liverpool Hospital. The multidisciplinary team included experts from Bangor, Manchester, Leeds, Imperial and Hull universities.
ImaGINe-S supports training of ultrasound guided needle puncture (Villard et al., 2009) and was awarded second place in the Eurographics 2009 Medical Prize for its innovative use of computer graphics in a complex system that is already far advanced towards clinical use.
Further Reading
- Villard, P.-F., Vidal, F. P., Hunt, C., Bello, F., John, N. W., Johnson, S., & Gould, D. A. (2009). A prototype percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography training simulator with real-time breathing motion. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 4(6), 571–578.